Safeguarding at Berwick Middle School
Berwick Middle School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and wellbeing of all our pupils, staff and whole school community. This commitment is something that all staff, visitors and the children themselves are involved in and is one of the most vital aspects of our role as a school. As a result of this, we as a staff spend a great deal of time and effort to ensure we keep the pupils, their families and school staff as safe as possible.
Our Safeguarding Team
Mrs S McCreath-Bird Assistant Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead KS3 |
Mr A Duffield Assistant Headteacher Designated Safeguarding Lead KS2 |
Mr G BIrd Headteacher Deputy Safeguarding Lead |
Mr R Keech E-Safety Officer |
Ms C Virtue Anti-bullying Officer |
Mrs L Flannigan Safeguarding Governor |
The LADO for Northumberland is Louise Prudhoe
Louise can be contacted by email
or telephone 01670 623979 or 01670 624888
The role of the LADO
Domestic Abuse Services Leaflet
Safeguarding Policies
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy
Being Safe at Berwick Middle School Newsletters
Being Safe at Berwick Middle School Newsletter
Information from Northumbria Police
County Lines - Parent & Carer Leaflet
This webpage contains advice to parents/carers about what to look out for when signing your child/children up for sports activities/extra-curricular clubs:
County Lines Awareness week, commencing March 7th
We have resources available on our webpage that will help raise awareness of County Lines:
what it is, how to spot the signs that someone may be involved, and where to seek help.
A basic awareness of County Lines
Takes about 20 mins to complete
Can be tutor-led or used by students themselves
Leaflet for parents and carers
Information to help identify signs of County Lines exploitation, and where to get help
March 18th is National Child Exploitation Awareness Day
We all need to:
- help prevent children becoming victims,
- be aware of the signs that a child might be being exploited, and
- speak out if we see something suspicious
The Prevention Through Education Team at Northumbria Police have been in contact and have asked us to share the following resources with parents:
STOPCE - Helpful Guides
There are several different guides you can access from the link above. Ones to highlight are:
- A guide to becoming a safer parent online
- A parent’s guide to dealing with sexting (nudes)
Northumbria Police - County Lines Awareness for Parents and Carers
Northumbria Police - Sharing Nudes - A Guide for Parents and Carers
As always, if there is anything you would like to discuss or more information about, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Visitor Information
All visitors are required to sign in at reception and show identification when requested, read our visitors safeguarding leaflet, sign to say they have read this and wear a lanyard whilst on the school site at all times.
Lanyards at Berwick Middle School
Staff |
Visitors (with DBS certificate ) can be unsupervised whilst on the school site |
Visitors (no DBS certificate) must be supervised by a member of staff at all times |